REVIEW: Sordid Lives at Civic is raucous and moving


[Sordid Lives]’ first act is the more outrageous of the two (it earns its “adults only” disclaimer within the opening two minutes), … Act two, save for a few comic outbursts, is far more wistful and contemplative, but that shift in tone isn’t nearly as jarring as you might think it’d be.

A lot of that has to do with [Director Lance] Babbitt’s cast, which is excellent all around. Shores’ characters are riddled with dramatic traps: They’ve got big accents, big hair and big personalities… But there’s a subtlety to these performances that I wasn’t expecting, and the actors make their characters feel real and lived in.

Review by Nathan Weinbender, Spokesman-Review.
Read the rest of the review online.

Photo by Colin Mulvany, Spokesman-Review.
