Congratulations to the cast of the 29th Playwrights' Forum Festival!
Rotation A- June 8, 10, 16, 2017
Interlude by John Michael
Directed by Kathie Doyle- Lipe
- Man 50s-60s: Wes Deitrick
- Women 50s-60s: Trudy Rogers
- Young Man – 20s: Carter Martin
- Young Women 20s: Julie Berghammer
- Woman Two – 50s-60s: Deborah Brooks
- Young Women Two – 20s: Anastasia Stavrogina
Memories of the American Occupation by Paul Lewis
Directed by Matt Harget
- Janet: Kearney Jordan
- Stan: Preston Loomer
- Red Cross Nurse: Jean Hardie
- Western Union Boy: Ezra Way
To Mr. Wilson c/o Shapiro & Gold by Aleks Merilo
Directed by Jamie Flanery
- Young Women: Joni Elizabeth
The Hostage by Molly Allen
Directed by Wes Deitrick
- Lou: Billy Hultquist
- Zachariah: Todd Kehne
- Jonathan: David Hardie
Rotation B- June 9, 15, 17, 2017
What Floor by Elena Naskova
Directed by Adam Sharp
- Roxie: Mary Alberts
- Emma: Allison Peterson
Motherhood by Robin Brooks
Directed by Jessica Loomer
- Audra: Teresa Hughbanks
- Fenris: Jacob Carruthers
Grief by Jessica Loomer
Directed by Toni Cummins
- Valerie: Molly Allen
- Glen: Billy Hultquist
- Chelsea: Clare Anderson
- Andrew: Jacob Carruthers
- Dr. Schaeffer: Jean Hardie
- Grief: Monika Stavrogina
The Sum of Me by Catherine Rush
Directed by Jean Hardie
- Sydney: Tristen Canfield
- Denis: David Hardie
- Portia: Andrea Tate
- Susan: Deborah Brooks
Thank you to all who auditioned!
The festival runs June 8 – 17, in the Studio Theatre. Tickets are on sale now through our box office, at all TicketsWest locations, and online.