Rising Tide

Rising Tide
An Evening of Collaborative Dance

Rising Tide is a collaborative event, showcasing professional dance in the Pacific Northwest. Inspired by the proverb “A rising tide lifts all boats,” this performance is created by local dance artists to uplift and create opportunities for the Inland Northwest dance community. The immersive experience captivates audiences in performances that blend different dance styles and artistic disciplines.





Margot and Robert Ogden Main Stage
The entrance to the Main Stage is on the North side of the facility, on Gardner Ave.

Performance Dates and Showtimes

January 3 – 5, 2025

Friday – Saturday: 7:30 pm  |  Sunday: 2:00 pm

Ticket Prices
All ticket prices are inclusive of fees

All Ages: $29


Featuring choreography by CarliAnn Forthun Bruner, Sarah Glesk, Sara Donally, Monica Mota, and Lexie Powell

Please Note

Performances scheduled collaboratively with Arena, Downtown Stadium and Podium management as to avoid too many concurrent North Bank area events.

Click here for ‘Know Before You Go’

Main Stage Season 77 Presenting Sponsor:

CarliAnn Forthun Bruner: From the age of two, she has been a mover, first as a gymnast then a dancer. She received her Bachelor in Fine Arts in dance and minor in kinesiology from Simon Fraser University in 2012 and her Masters in Fine Arts in dance at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 2021. Since her receiving her formal education, CarliAnn has been on a scholarly and personal journey to understand her Indigenous heritage (descendant of Confederated Tribes of Colville – Okanagan, Secwépemc, and mixed European) more fully, using her dance and embodiment to uncover ways of knowing the world that were once taken from her ancestors. 

Her choreography has been presented by On the Boards, Seattle International Dance Festival, Inlay Dance, Velocity Dance Center, YAW Theater, Intrepidus Dance, and Terrain. She has performed professionally with Khambatta Dance Company, Intrepidus Dance, 127th St. Dance Company and as a freelance performer. CarliAnn has enjoyed touring internationally in Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Lithuania, and India.

Currently, CarliAnn is an adjunct professor of dance at Gonzaga University, where she teaches technique, arts leadership, improvisation, among other subjects. As an educator, CarliAnn’s goals are to encourage each student on their own movement journeys and to feel more trusting and comfortable in their own bodies. ​

CarliAnn feels at home on stage and loves creating art that tells stories. She believes that it is through the telling of stories, that we can grow, heal, and connect. Dance has the capacity to be the vessel in which we tell stories without the necessity of words. ​

As a dance creator, CarliAnn investigates human interactions that are universal and transcend language, exploring the ineffability of life.​​


Monica Mota: Monica created Quiero Flamenco in 2017 to bring Flamenco to the Inland Northwest.  As founder and artistic director, she has produced a company performance annually, featuring a rotating cast of national and international guest artists with 2019’s show (Flamenco Aire) receiving a Spokane Arts grant.  Monica is also a co-founder of Kindling Productions, a dance production company focusing on producing the works of choreographers from across the Northwest.

Monica started dancing professionally as a ballet dancer with the New Mexico Ballet Company and as a modern dancer with the Bill Evans Dance Company.  When she was nineteen, she attended her first Flamenco class and found her love.  She has performed as a soloist for the Denver Flamenco Fantasy Dance Theatre, Oleaje Flamenco of Seattle, Flamenco Denver, Solo Flamenco of Portland, and Underground Flamenco of Denver. Additionally, Monica has performed her own solo choreography at On the Boards in Seattle.

Monica has trained under Sara de Luis of Pacific Northwest Ballet, taught at the Pacific Northwest Ballet summer academy and coached Seattle Opera dancers.  She studies annually in Spain with leading flamenco performing artists and instructors.

Prior to her studies in Spain, Monica studied Flamenco with Pablo Rodarte and Marisol and Joaquin Encinias of the National Institute of Flamenco.

Monica obtained her B.A. in Dance from the University of New Mexico and a Masters in Teaching from Whitworth University.  When Monica is not dancing she loves spending time with her child and husband.
