Meetings, meetings, meetings! Some love them, some hate them, sometimes it’s just a necessary evil. I like to think that if you have a purpose, agenda, and a time limit, meetings can be very beneficial.
Since I will be new to town, I plan on scheduling meetings with as many groups as possible. My first set of meetings (outside of board and staff) are meetings with directors/music directors, and stage managers/producers. We plan on meeting on a late Saturday morning shortly after my arrival. We’ll work on the details shortly, and get them out to the usual suspects and interested parties (I hope everyone in those groups are able to attend).
What is my purpose? To have an opportunity to meet with this critical group of professionals that provide such an important and integral component to our organization.
The Agenda? To discern procedures and expectations on both sides of the table, and to share ideas in a collaborative manner. We plan on having Jack, Mike and myself there so we have continuity, understanding, and direction.
Time Limit? 45 minutes to an hour. Can we accomplish everything in that time frame? Absolutely not! But it gives us all a chance to begin the open dialogue. At the least, we’ll provide coffee and donuts.

Lenny’s Idea of a great meeting!!!
I look forward to having the opportunity to meet with everyone at some point or another. And please forgive me if we’ve met, and I look slightly dazed and confused. Simply remind me of your name-too many meetings confuse me!